Adaptation of HSE resources to the new reality os the Colombian oil sector with INERCO

Times are changing in the oil&gas industry, which is undergoing a significant readjustment due to the fall in the price per barrel of crude oil. This situation has brought about the obligation to reduce production costs, the freezing of large strategic projects, and even job losses…
But crisis is always a synonym of opportunity and adaptation. At INERCO Consultoría Colombia, we have extensive experience in adapting the industry’s needs to the reality in Colombia by developing services and products that optimise the resources invested and maintain and improve profit margins.
Now is the moment for creativity in the development of new strategies, and INERCO Consultoría Colombia has its fingers very much on the pulse of the reality in Colombia, drawing on the international experience of the INERCO Group, which has lived through the readjustment of the oil&gas sector in the European Union.
This is why INERCO Consultoría Colombia offers you the development and implementation of integrated safety and environmental management systems, applying international standards and best practices, effective methods for control and monitoring, organisation, staff instruction and training, endorsed by over thirty years’ experience in the oil&gas sector.
INERCO’s experience in Europe, along with our customers themselves, is testament to the value of new optimisation processes, new tools and a clear interest in raising environmental and HSE standards. Because one thing the oil industry can not afford is to let slip its self-imposed levels of requirement, which it has always flaunted.
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