Soil Remediation

INERCO, guest expert in contaminated soil and groundwater management at ANDI Colombia webinar
INERCO has participated as a guest expert in the webinar ‘Management of risks associated with contaminated soil and groundwater for the valorisation of business assets’, an event organised by the National Association of Colombian Businessmen (ANDI). BrunoCoquelet,Directorof the Soil and Groundwater Division of INERCO, and Enith Murcia, Director of the

INERCO analyses in a webinar the different ways of managing and revaluing contaminated soil in Latin America
INERCO analyzed different options in the management of contaminated soils through the webinar “Risk Management of Contaminated Soils. Revaluation of Assets”, where three experts from INERCO Group analysed the different variables in the management of contaminated soils. The online conference, attended by nearly 100 professionals from Latin America, was led by Juan

INERCO Colombia analyses alongside the business sector the change in land use in the new Barranquilla system
INERCO held technical conferences in Barranquilla around the valuation of land against the change in land use in the territorial planning of Colombia’s fourth city, as regards the number of inhabitants. This professional meeting, sponsored by INERCO, has made it possible to show the Colombian business sector the reality of

INERCO promotes the use and sustainable management of soil and groundwater
INERCO CONSULTORÍA PERÚ IS AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT IN THE LATIN AMERICAN NETWORK FOR THE. PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF. CONTAMINATED SITES – RELASC ReLASC is a regional network initiative sustained and supported by public and private organisations, aiming to foster the production, dissemination and exchange of knowledge about the prevention, management

INERCO Perú participating in the recovery os soils contaminated by industrial use
Taking advantage of INERCO’s international skills and experience in the comprehensive management of contaminated soils, INERCO Consultoría Perú has carried out important work for customers in the renewable energy, oil&gas and agro-foods sectors for compliance with Directorial Resolution (RD) 2/2013 and 2/2014 on contaminated soils, which are applicable to companies