INERCO performs the diagnosis and conceptual engineering for the improvement of the water monitoring systems of the COPEC facilities in Chile

INERCO is carrying out a comprehensive project for the diagnosis and improvement of the hydrocarbon monitoring systems associated with the existing water treatment plants at the industrial facilities of the Compañía de Petróleos de Chile (COPEC) in the country.
INERCO‘s team of experts has carried out a complete audit of these systems, responsible for analyzing that the discharged waters do not transport hydrocarbon residues, a key process within their processes.
Together with the analysis of these systems, INERCO has carried out the conceptual engineering to propose applicable improvements that optimize the current operation. In the case of the Concón plant, INERCO has already implemented the proposed improvements, a work that must now also be carried out in the other 17 analyzers distributed by the six COPEC plants in Chile.
For Antonio Alvarado, Manager of INERCO Inspección y Control, this project has a special value “because it supposes an integral service to the client, with the initial analysis and audit process, the conceptual engineering to shape the improvements and, of course, its implementation, so as to optimize the operation of a key system in the water treatment process of this type of industrial facilities”.