Industrial Water Treatment

INERCO performs the diagnosis and conceptual engineering for the improvement of the water monitoring systems of the COPEC facilities in Chile
INERCO is carrying out a comprehensive project for the diagnosis and improvement of the hydrocarbon monitoring systems associated with the existing water treatment plants at the industrial facilities of the Compañía de Petróleos de Chile (COPEC) in the country. INERCO‘s team of experts has carried out a complete audit of

INERCO presents its water treatment technologies in a webinar for industry in Spain and Latin America
INERCO has held a webinar focused on water recovery and reuse technologies in industry as a key element to achieve Zero Dumping, one of the main technological activities it develops, with numerous projects executed worldwide for sectors such as chemicals, paper, sanitary, mining, foundry, metal-mechanical or automotive, among others. Antonio

INERCO presents its advanced solutions in Industrial Water Treatment and the control of noise and vibrations in the Automotive Provider Forum in Guanajuato (Mexico)
INERCO’s technology of water treatment and noise control and reduction was present in the fourth Automotive Provider Forum, held in Guanajuato (Mexico) between 11 and 12 October 2017. Over 300 subsidiary industries from the important Mexican automotive sector participated in this meeting, which allowed the ties of collaboration between companies

INERCO Water Treatment has been the contractor for the construction of a Waste Treatment Plant for the Laboratory area of the 12 October Hospital in Madrid. The Vacuum Evaporation by Mechanical Compression technology installed by INERCO will be present in one of the biggest health centres in Spain, in the

Zero Liquid discharge philosophy for recycling water at vehicle washes
There is a tendency in circular economies to implement a new model that closes the life cycle of products, services, waste, materials, water and energy in comparison to other more consumerist systems, which currently dominate the sector but are not without detractors. This context gave rise years ago to the

Zero liquid discharge in the circular economy
The concept of circular economy pursues the production of goods and services with a parallel reduction in the use of the necessary resources: raw materials, water and energy. It consists in implementing a new model, closing the products, services, waste, materials, water and energy life cycle to make economic development

INERCO’S technological solutions for the treatment of water at landfills and in industry in Colombia
Thirty business representatives from the Colombian landfill, oil, pharmaceuticals and chemicals sectors participated in a conference on “HSE management and water treatment in landfills and industry”, held on 1 March in Bogotá. Colombia’s new legal environment requires measures be taken to comply with the new discharge limits, in line with

Alespri plant using INERCO’S zero liquid discharge technology
THE INTERVENTION WILL ENABLE 60,000 M3 OF WATER TO BE SAVED AT THE SPRAY can FERRULE AND CAP MANUFACTURING PLANT INERCO works in the fields of industrial engineering, advanced emission reduction technology development, energy efficiency, the exploitation of renewable energy sources, noise control and industrial waste water treatment. The company