Industrial Safety and Risk Prevention

INERCO conducts a webinar on the obligations in 2021 derived from the severe accident regulations (SEVESO)
INERCO carries out the webinar focused on the ‘Obligations in 2021 derived from the regulations on serious accidents (SEVESO)’, a digital meeting in which Pastora Fernández, Head of the Risk Analysis Area of INERCO’s Industrial Safety Division, approached the keys of this standard to the industrial sector. Throughout the webinar,

INERCO prepares Contingency Plans for the VANTI Group in Colombia
INERCO developed Contingency Plans for approximately 160 assets of the energy company VANTI in Colombia, framed in the continuity of the activity in the face of the restrictions that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it throughout the world. This project was carried out by an interdisciplinary team led by

INERCO carried out a safety study for the plugging project of 14 oil wells in the Pánuco area (Mexico)
INERCO México carried out a safety study for an important project in the oil & gas sector in the country. INERCO’s safety experts have developed the risk analysis for the hydrocarbon sector of the plugging project of a total of 14 oil wells in the contractual area of Pánuco (State

INERCO participates in the definition of several energy transition projects within the expressions of interest of the plan of recovery, transformation and resilience of the government of Spain
INERCO participates in the definition of several tractor projects such as technological engineering on the occasion of the request for Expressions of Interest (MDI) made by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Spain for their inclusion in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience. This process aims

INERCO provides safety advice on the project for the future industrial hydrogen plant in Puertollano
INERCO has participated in the project of the future hydrogen plant being built in Puertollano (Ciudad Real. Spain) by two Spanish multinationals, with the development of HAZID, EAC, HAZOP and SIL risk studies, as well as the site safety report. This energy project, the largest in Europe for industrial use

INERCO and Dira Reliability jointly offer their solutions for digitisation, reliability and asset integrity in the field of industrial maintenance
INERCO has signed a collaboration agreement with DiraReliability for the joint offer of services in reliability, asset integrity, technological solutions and digitalisation in the field of maintenance and asset management, complementing the solutions that both companies offer in this field and enhancing their individual capabilities. DiraReliability, winner of the second

INERCO presents its services for the Oil&Gas sector at the most important virtual Fair of the sector in Mexico
INERCO Mexico presented its global services in the field of Oil&Gas at the Mexico Oil&GasSummit2020, the largest event in this sector in the important Mexican market. This year’s edition, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, has brought with it a change in the format of the Fair, which has become purely

INERCO applies the HUMAN HAZOP methodology for the prevention of industrial accidents to the installations of a chemical multinational in Portugal
INERCO is developing HUMAN HAZOPs for the facilities of a chemical multinational in Portugal. HUMAN HAZOP is the most structured methodology for identifying corrective measures aimed at minimizing industrial risks, mainly of a catastrophic nature, associated with the Human Factor, of special relevance in process industries. INERCO is an expert

Safety in the green hydrogen industry
The EU’s Green Deal sets a target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% by 2030, requiring a rapid process of decarbonization of the economy. To this end, among other lines of action, in July of this year the European Commission published the European Hydrogen Strategy (COM (2020) 301

REACH Integra provides advice on COVID-19 disinfection products in Portugal
REACH Integra, a company formed by INERCO and Feique, has provided advice on REACH and biocides for the acquisition of disinfection products during the COVID-19 pandemic from a Portuguese multinational. Specifically, REACH Integra has advised the purchasing department by providing technical answers to doubts regarding the type of products that